
Welcome to Tips and Tricks!

February 15, 2017

Each month we'll be sending out our current customers a bit more information about BooKBooK. This way you can find out all the sneaky ways to navigate the product and we can make sure that you are always getting the best use out of BooKBooK.

You'll also receive a bit of industry insight when it comes to bookings, how customers book, and how you can drive customers into your venue. There might be a BooKBooK gift here or there too...

If you ever find anything you're doing that's benefiting your venue and you think we'd like to know about it, please email carolyne@bookbookonline.com.au and it might feature in the coming months.
We hope you like our monthly material, and welcome any feedback you may have about our Tips and Tricks.

If you ever get stuck, feel free to give us a call on 0410 409 255 and we'll talk you through.
Cheers from all of us at BooKBooK!

PS. If you haven't had a look at our social media sites, click below. If we've been feasting at your venue you might have made an appearance.


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