Do you have a customer with a severe allergy? Or perhaps a particular bottle of wine they consistently choose. Make your customer service soar, no matter the staff member with BooKBooK and its permanent notes feature, and we'll show you how to use it.
Creating a customer note can be done in two different ways via the BookBook Desktop Application - through the search function or after a booking has been made. Through the search function, or after a booking has been made. These permanent notes will be tagged with the phone number and name of the customer so that the note will come up each time they book with your venue.
Through the search function.
1. Click on Settings.
2. Which will open the next window, where you click "Customer List".
3. From here you type the name, number, or email address of the customer you are looking for. Then double-click on them.
We've used Jordan Harris, our BooKBooK Specialist as an example.4. Now you have their details open, the "Notes / Comments" and start typing.
5. Once you have finished in the Notes / Comments section (we have entered "Peanut Allergy" in as an example) click Save and then Close.
This will save the customer note even if they do not currently have a booking.
Via their booking.
You can also create notes on a customer when a booking is right in front of you
1. Double click on the booking.
2. Click on "More customer details".
3. The customer details card will now appear. In the "Notes / Comments" section start typing.
4. Pop the permanent note in the Notes / Comments section, and then click Save before Close to exit the page.
Viewing the notes on your POS.
To view the notes on your POS when the customer arrives in store, head to the BOOKINGS tab, and view your existing bookings.1. Click on the Cog icon that will appear when the customer has a note for their table.
2. This will open up a small window that will have the customer note sitting here. Customer notes that are there for that specific booking will also appear underneath.
And there you have it, a great way to create consistent customer service, and ensure that your diners will always feel loved and remembered.