We believe there is a slight misconception as to what it means when you encounter this page on your widget.
Essentially it means that you are out of BooKoins, the "currency" used to ensure that customers are coming through to your door.
The best way to keep those customers coming in is to have an auto top-up set up through your PayPal account to ensure if the BooKoins ever dip below a certain level, they will be automatically topped up.
So here below we will refresh and remind you how to top your BooKoins up, and also teach you how to turn on the auto top-up feature. And remember, HelpDesk is only ever a phone call away on 1300 797 638 if you ever get stuck.
Enter your credentials, and this will take you to your personal Online Client Portal. It's a fantastic resource for you to fully understand when bookings are being taken, where they are being made, and your busiest times.
Click through to the secure Checkout and follow the PayPal links through to finalise your payment, and your BooKoins will be replenished.
To set up your auto top-up it's a quick and simple process that ensures you will never reach the "Oh No!" page again. When your BooKoins dip below a certain threshold they will automatically update using your PayPal details to ensure that you don't miss out on any bookings.
Click "Configure Auto Top-Up" which will bring you to your Profile Page. If you scroll down below you will find the slide bar across for your Auto Top-Up
Slide it to "ON" and click "Save Changes"